September 23, 2020

 DAAAAF    Something needs to be done for ETS too.



  1. DAF NT? WOW!I have never seen such a machine in real life, but I know it existed! I'm glad you keep making models!

  2. Very unusual, so very interesting!

  3. that looks awesome i cannot wait to try this truck out when it releases xbs good work

  4. a very pretty truck well known, has a precise time lol ^^ happy to find you Mr XBS and to be able to continue to follow you, your work and remarkable really.

    I just hope that you will not do too many things, to drop others, I would really be very disappointed if one day the FLC ATS FLC would be abandoned, or if the DAF ets2 would be abandoned.

    What would be good for designers like you is to find a trusted second who can continue to update your creations over the years, and so you can continue to create.

  5. Verry nice, i only have seen this truck 1 or 2 times in real life.

  6. great job done ,mate..never seen too but looks awesome

  7. the front fenders remind me of the autocar dc. cool looking conventional euro truck!
