January 01, 2021





  1. XBS you are just super, update please
    volvo 88 1.39.

  2. XBS you are just super, update please
    volvo 88 1.39.

  3. Happy new year! (better late than never) xD
    Very good looking truck!

  4. Happy new year and good health in new 2021 year !

  5. Nice old-timer! Awesome job again, XBS! Thanks a lot for what you do!
    I wish this new year will be really happy and healthy, with no harm to us and our families!
    Greetings from Russia!

  6. Awesome new truck -- so happy to see things that SCS will never be able to add.
    Just one thing, though -- I'd be happy to wait a while longer for this or any new trucks in favor of getting the older ones updated to 1.39+ for both ETS2 and ATS.
    Have a happy New year and thank you for all your hard work!

  7. Einen schönen guten Abend wünsche ich.Sehe das hier das erste Mal und bin extrem begeistert.Diesen alten Mercedes fuhr ich damals Real und ist tausendmal besser als der Nachfolger Actros. Kommt der wirklich für uns zum Download?.Das wäre ein Traum.Vielen lieben dank für all deine Arbeit.Liebe Grüsse aus Berlin

  8. XBS. perfect mod, i finally found this block and i'm glad you keep working, your models are perfect and thank you .... I'm looking forward to this MERCEDESA ...
