April 06, 2021

 I have a few finishing touches left. This week's release.

And I'm going to America on this beast. 😜



  1. Dear XBS, thanks for all you´re doing for us. You´re the BEST! Ich bin echt sprachlos. Wie soll ich jetzt ruhig schlafen, wenn ich weiß, dass du so einen geilen Ami machst. grins

  2. super freude pur dobre :) weiter so

  3. My father works on this truck. And that's why this truck is one of my favorites. And you have made a mod for this truck! Thank you very much for this work.

  4. Looking good! Only the two top marker lights on the Eurocab are placed to high, they should be placed like this: https://i.ibb.co/Yf637Pj/Naamloos.png

  5. Wonderful work! i hope your other beautiful trucks will get some love and will be updated to 1.40 version of ETS2! thanks for your work.

  6. ich bekomm gerade ein 3. EI :D danke XBS für die Infööö

  7. Great news XBS :-) really looking forward :-)

  8. XBS there will be updates of all models under version 1.40 ?

  9. Super nice!!! Will the FLC get a 1.40 update? Love your work

  10. Love the needle Nose but what about the FLC??

  11. Hey Xbs, can you please update the Freightliner FLC.... please :)

  12. FLC and Daf 95 update pls! Thanks for you trucks XBS, You the best.

  13. I really respect all your work, XBS. It is just great. Don't listen to anyone, you are free to do anything you want. But, you know, updating all of your other mods would change the things for the better. Of course, do it only if you want so :)

  14. У меня уже слюни текут, ну когда уже.

  15. please update the freightliner FLC for American Truck simulator

  16. yes, bro, sometimes life throws us problems and scrapes at work, then we want to go somewhere to get distracted and it brightens in my head, for example, in this car, in which you put a lot of effort, time and soul, thank you

  17. XBS ich finde die Arbeit die du da rein gesteckt hast Großartig weiter so .. und Ich freu mich schon auf den Roll Out

  18. Thank you so much, XBS!!! I absolutely love the classic Mercedes trucks, and this one is wonderful! Looking forward to spending many thousands of KMs behind the wheel! Thank you as always and keep up the great work!
