January 04, 2023


 A swap body, swop body, exchangeable container or interchangeable unit, 

is one of the types of standard freight containers for road and rail transport.



  1. Brillant idea bro, so that means we can have a BDF chasis for our legendary F series :) It would be awesome if you add a non-swap body(regular) Swedish BDF chasis and trailer too ;)

  2. I'm also happy when XBS shares a picture. :D

  3. Looks nice... it where be cool if you made your swap Chassis of MAN F2000, Volvo F Series and MB SK2 compatible with the swap body Pack of Sebastian7870 from the scs forum. So you have Not to much to Do, as only to build one Kind of swaps. But it is your mod... i hope already for aan Update from an oficially Update to haul swaps with your really nice F2000.

  4. hello XBS your mod page is no longer available

    1. Yes it is.
      Just click ETS2 mods under Downloads on the top left.
      Click ETS2 or ATS.
      And it brings you to the download page.....

    2. Ah, nice thank you. The link in my favoritelist did not work anymore.

  5. Hello Brother, I know you are busy with this legendary F series mod nowadays, but your other great trucks need some love for 1.46 except for MAN F2000: All of them have non-working GPS problem :( If you can find some time, can you make an update to your DAF 95 ATI and F241, SISU M Series and MB SK for 1.46 too ?

  6. hey xbs are you going to add the "smaller" bumpers to the man f2000?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hello, i need your email address for contact

  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxL0C40OEoU&t=52s

  10. https://sites.google.com/view/xbsmods/home

  11. @XBS Happy Birthday in Past for your Day yesterday... hope you are finde.
    Thanks for your MAN last year Release at my Birthday... greets

  12. Replies
    1. Ты ещё не успокоился? Дед, прими таблетки и перестань делать обновления чужих старых модов за 50€)))))

    2. Stop it now! When you wanna discuss then private but not here! Cause a paymod discussion doesn't belong here to XBS's blog and I dont wanna repeat it!!
      Is it really necessary to reactivate the primary school? Is it that hard?! Show some respect! And sorry I had to write it cause I really can not tolerate such a discussion who doesnt belong to the blog here ! Go away with your paymod stuff! Damn... worse than little kids....

    3. Lass die kleinen Kinder sich ruhig streiten DePettel, irgendwann werden sie es auch verstehen. Ich freue mich jedenfalls auf die schönen mods von xbs und dies ist alles was für uns wichtig sein sollte

    4. Ja da bin ich voll bei dir, mir hats bisschen gereicht und wollte denen mal sagen dass sowas nicht hierher gehört und unnötige Unruhe reinbringt.

      Ich freue mich ebenfalls und habe großen Respekt vor seiner tollen Arbeit und ich hoffe es geht ihm gut. Seine Gesundheit ist an erster Stelle.

  13. I hope that all is good with you XBS.

  14. Hi, I hope you're good luck, hopefully after finishing this project, you can have research on truck DAf Torpedo 140 and I'd be happy to have this title made as well.


  15. XBS, of course we are waiting for news and updates, but at least let us know, are you all right?

  16. We've missed you a lot. Let me know about you. Thanks.
