February 09, 2022

 Release v1.0


  1. Спасибо огромное за грузовик, и ещё раз с днём рождения. дорогой ты наш!!!

  2. Дождался я. XBS SUPER.

  3. Thank you very much. Looks great!

  4. Herzlichen Dank für das schöne Modell

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you very much.Great work !!!

  7. XBS thanks for man! Cool truck.
    I noticed a minus that the height in the cab is different from the height outside, inside the truck seems higher than outside. (Maybe it's a problem in the game engine itself, I don't know).
    I would like to see a different version of the standard bumper and a version of the mirrors without additional lower mirrors in the new versions.
    Happy Birthday XBS!

    1. i noticed the inside high difference too,
      I parked the truck next to a street sign and indeed looked like i was sitting higher inside the cabin then what it;s supposed to be.

      Still a nice truck though. But i do hope that gets fixed. I don't know how to do it unfortunately

  8. XBS, thank you for this masterpiece! And happy birthday to you! There is one point that caught my eye, this is the interior of the cabin when viewed from the outside. Please add a shadow model to both roofs. There is no shadow inside the cabin, as if both versions of the roofs are transparent

  9. Thx XBS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fB6hfOkY-M

  10. You are a great, man! Happy Birthday! Be healthy!

  11. Awesome, hopefully the other mods are going to get updated too, and it'd be awesome to see a sarens skin for this

  12. Thank you XBS and happy birthday! :)

  13. hallo lieber XBS akzeptieren Sie unter 1.42 bitte und dann bin ich auf

  14. Огромное спасибо за чудесный грузовик! Волшебник!

  15. Vielen vielen Dank. Super Arbeit. Es geht ein Traum in Erfüllung. Endlich meinen alten eigenen LKW Ingame. Der auch noch funktioniert animation lenkrad anzeigen alles TOP

  16. Thank you so much XBS. You`re the man.

  17. Excellent work, as always! Lightweight and pleasant to use mod truck, however there are two apparent problems: 1 - Chassis 6x2_4 - The coupling cables are not showing. 2 - The advanced hitch, mainly in the 6x2 and 6x4 chassis, is apparently not working. I tested it on a clean profile and these were the only problems. Other than that, the truck is excellent. Congratulations on the work. I really liked the interior - light and well finished.

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  19. many thanks for this awesome Truck

  20. Bow to the Master. Such a great truck. I love the Nuremberg accessories :D

  21. pls make cabin accesories update for mercedes sk. and i waiting a tandem version too.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. really i just want mercedes sk to support sisl megapack and wolli interior addon but at least one. and a interior light would come in handy as well. thank you so much.

  22. Happy birthday, XBS. I hope you have had a great day.

    Thank you for your wonderful work, I will be sure to try it as soon as I get home

  23. Mega Hammer vielen lieben dank für den geilen F2000

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  25. Xbs hello. I want to ask you something, how I can do it personally?

  26. Xbs, please pay attention in addition to the shadow inside the cabin when viewed from the outside, here are some more problems:
    1) there are no cables on this chassis - http://vfl.ru/fotos/9dc8620837961543.html
    2) the gap between the cabin and the glass -http://vfl.ru/fotos/b8958e8c37961564.html
    3) there is no rear number on this chassis - http://vfl.ru/fotos/507443e437961574.html

    1. i don't think the 2nd picture is a gap.
      That's a small piece of fabric, Same fabric as in the headliner

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. 1) O.K accepted.
      2) There is no gap there.
      3) O.K accepted.

    4. Где взять такие же колпаки как на скриншоте 3?

  27. Thank you XBS for this nice truck, i was thinking there will be a top sleeper cab just like Daf F241 bud i'm also glad with this!

  28. Bravo, this truck - is one of my old desires, hats off, thanks XBS.

  29. Vielen Dank für Ihre Glückwünsche und für die konstruktive Kritik.

    Thank you very much for the congratulations and for the constructive criticism.

  30. Hey XBS der F2000 ist ein sehr schöner LKW geworden meine Frage ist jetzt nur kommt der noch als BDF?

  31. Great job!In the future, I would like to see a pre-styling version of the bumper

  32. Yeah! My favourite truck is here! Thank you XBS for all the effort you put into this project, you deserves respect for that!

  33. Here some cool badge for the F2000. Thank you, nice work!

    http://openiso.org/man-19-403.html (Commander badge)

    https://40ton.net/man-y-tgx-wersji-2018-man-f2000-2001-roku-man-f90-roku-1994-da-sie-porownac/ (Silent badge)

    https://www.facebook.com/MANTheGreenQueen/photos/854865024566395 (Second commander badge, much better then the first one I think :D, and maybe the frontal lion logo)

    1. so you don't know but that was soon after skinned by the green queen


    2. Oh okay cool! I did too the Green Queen skin https://www.facebook.com/Mixer66s-Works-114852363490137/photos/pcb.496239428684760/496239385351431/ , needs some details but at the moment I think its quite good for me!

  34. It's looks great XBS, will take it out for a spin in the weekend.
    Thanks for making and sharing :-)

  35. everything is very good, congratulations. can the new project be iveco eurostar?

  36. HALLO COOL Trucks man f2000
    DANK Daumen hoch

  37. XBS: I think it would be good if the front bumper will be equipped with back corner blinkers. I did not spotted this model without them :)
    Photo for reference: https://abload.de/img/ets2_20220210_140838_2nkb9.png
    Blinker height and position is on the same line as headlights.

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  39. Ein herzlichen danke schön für diese Baureihe was du gebaut hast es hat mich sehr gefreut dass wir dieses Projekt zu Ende gebracht hast könntest du dir vielleicht vorstellen die Baureihe 19380 von 1980 zu bauen wäre echt cool weil das sind die alten LKWs was mit den Flügeln noch mal herzlichen Dank

  40. Nochmal herzlichen Dank für diesen Schmuckstück und deine umwerfende Arbeit! Ich habe mein größtes Respekt vor dir und zieh meinen Hut!! Alle deine Mods bisher waren Bombe! Egal welchen LKW du immer machst, mir gefällt es weil es von solch einer guten Qualität kommt und du alles selbst machst! Das nenn ich mal einen echten Modder! :)
    Alles gute nachträglich und bleib gesund und munter !

    Ich kann nicht oft genug danken!


  41. This. Is. Marvelous! Thank you very much, XBS, for this beautiful and cosy truck! Greetings from Russia.

  42. 1. the small glass at the driver's door flickers
    2. when it rains, drops do not fall on a certain area on the right side of the glass closer to the rack and it is simply dry
    3. if you lean out of the window, you will see that you are looking literally through the roof, i.e. from the salon you see one view from the window, although in fact it should be different, the salon that the player sees somehow turns out to be higher than it should be.
    I apologize if something is unclear, I write through a translator. I can throw off screenshots of these problems if necessary

  43. amazing work but i cant find the rear wheel covers in the shop that you have shown in an older picture

    1. I don't know, they have to be somewhere.

    2. i found them they were only availible for the 4x2 chassis So i changed it for myself 😉.
      Great Work

  44. hi ich kann mir den Mod runterladen und ihn in meinem Mod ordner schieben aber kann ihm nicht im spiel auswählen kann mir wer sagen warum das so ist bitte ????

    1. Hast du ihn villeicht entpackt? Da ist der Hauptmod drinne und ein Kabinen Addon.

    2. hi ich kann bei mir keine sachen entpacken weil er es bei mir nicht anzeigen tut

    3. In the download is a file. You must open this file and than you will see two files. Pace these two files in you mod folder

  45. Hello XBS! The green queen painting on the cabin wings is incorrect. Can it be repaired? picture: https://pasteboard.co/QiNlEfLPHVaJ.jpg

  46. Happy Birthday XBS! I wish you health, please us more often with your great mods!😃👍

  47. можете прописать SiSL’s Mega Pack на сиденье и на полочку.

    1. А самому лень прописать? Там нет ничего сложного.

  48. Yeah!!!! Finally. Thanks a lot, XBS and Happy Birthday :-)

  49. Мод прекрасен,но в дальнейшем хотелось бы увидеть BDF шасси.XBS спасибо тебе за твои труды! :)

  50. Very nice truck would look amazing with a steyr grill

  51. Halllo lieber xbs; ich habe die werbung gesehen auf dem f2000 und wollte fragen ob man dir einen truck sagen kann und du schaust dann obs machbar wäre ?


  52. Hello dear xbs; i saw the advert on the f2000 and wanted to ask if you could be given a truck and then you would see if it was feasible?


  53. XBS danke für man f2000. Aktualisieren Sie bitte alle Moden.

  54. Good evening XBS, I really liked your Man F2000, but I noticed a little problem with the skin! Pay attention to the skin with a side spoiler!

    And on this skin I want to ask you to make the outline of the lion black or with the ability to choose its color yourself, so that the outline of the lion does not merge with the main color of the truck.
    And of course I would like to see a tandem!
    Thank you for your understanding, we are waiting for new masterpieces from you!

  55. Thank you for this wonderful truck.
    Do you plan to update the Volvo F 88?

  56. Thx from the Truck from my Vather! I was wait very long but he ist perfekt. Thanks you too you If you want about my Twitch.tv Channel DJCharty you can see it about the Weekend i like it so much.

  57. Dear XBS! It's a fantastic job again! Thank you so much, there are some flawed little things that others have already mentioned, so I won’t write it down again, rubbish over them because we got a gap-filling tractor from you again! I wish you more good health and a happy birthday afterwards!
    Sorry, if English is bad, I only speak Hungarian, GOOGLE is my friend!

  58. The truck turned out great! The model is great! The comments have already written about the existing jambs, but I noticed another one. In the garage menu, this truck does not show mileage, that is, the mileage is already two thousand on the device in the cabin, and zero in the garage menu.

    1. That's it, this problem is solved. It's all right)

    2. That's with every truck, Even the stock SCS ones.
      you also won't see the mileage when the truck is turned off.

  59. Thank you so much for your great work and bringing this Legendary Lion into ETS-2 world bro ;) My only request for the next update is a backlight for interior and MAN mudlaps under the front bumper :)

  60. XBS please update all models for version 1.43

  61. Hallo XBS, hab nun schon die ersten paar tausend Kilometer runter mit dem klasse LKW. Ich weiß zwar nicht wie du zu Wünschen stehst für kommende Updates, aber es wäre Klasse wenn deine Schönen Radkappen auf allen Chassis sowie der Vorderachse und evtl auch auf Aufliegern nutzen könnte, die sehen einfach mega aus.
    Ganz großes Lob und Anerkennung für die schönen Sachen im Innenraum. Alles mit Liebe zum Detail. Echt Klasse

  62. I've replied before and finally got around to playing the game with this truck and it's amazing, really like it :-)
    Currently working on a paint job to share on Steam for it.

    When customizing the interior I noticed a tiny def error, the names for cigarettes Fair Play and Stuyvesant have switched, the UI image for Stuyvesant says Fair Play and visa versa.
    Not a deal breaker of course, you did an awesome job on the truck.
    Thanks again.

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  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Greetings, XBS! Updating the mod fixed the coupling, but there is a problem with the glass:
    It glitters like a welding torch!!!

  66. Greetings!
    I'm all about the glass again. I corrected the glass material, and now it's fine. If you need it, here it is:
    material : "eut2.glass.rfx" {
    texture[0] : "/vehicle/truck/share/glass_int.tobj"
    texture_name[0] : "texture_base"
    texture[1] : "/material/environment/soft_reflection/soft_reflection.tobj"
    texture_name[1] : "texture_reflection"
    add_ambient : 0
    diffuse : { 1 , 1 , 1 }
    fresnel : { 0.2 , 0.9 }
    queue_bias : 0
    shininess : 95
    specular : { 0.214041 , 0.214041 , 0.214041 }
    tint : { 0.563945 , 0.603827 , 0.585291 }
    tint_opacity : -0.01


  67. @MAKC76 which file has to be edited?

    1. Material glass. In the automat folder, look for the file 6c "6ca8c148b0301011"
